
Khilan Gudka

I am a Security Software Engineer at Hudson River Trading.

Previously, I was a Security Software Engineer at G-Research.

Before moving into industry, I spent seven years in academia as a Research Associate (postdoc) in the Security Group at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory supervised by Dr. Robert N. M. Watson. During this time, I led work on the SOAAP project, which explored semi-automated techniques, grounded in static analysis, dynamic analysis, and program transformation, to improve the developer experience when compartmentalising applications. Moreover, it aimed to provide better understanding of the security, performance and complexity tradeoffs of different compartmentalisation strategies. I also led work investigating the use of CHERI to protect C++ applications, such as web browsers.

Prior to my postdoc, I completed a PhD at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London supervised by Professor Susan Eisenbach and Professor Sophia Drossopoulou. My thesis explored the technique of lock inference for implementing atomic sections. This technique infers a set of locks for each atomic section, while attempting to balance the requirements of maximal concurrency, minimal locking overhead and freedom from deadlock. I focused on lock-inference techniques for tackling large Java programs making use of mature libraries. My research was generously funded by Microsoft Research Cambridge as part of their PhD Scholarship programme. My mentor at Microsoft was Dr. Tim Harris.

Email: [firstname]@khilan.com
Profiles: Google Scholar, LinkedIn

Research interests

Security, Program Analysis, Compilers, Concurrency



